School Uniform
St. Brendan Catholic School continues the tradition of school uniforms. We believe uniforms reflect school pride and belonging. Uniforms are an outward reminder that we are part of a Catholic school community. Our student expectations are that each student will be respectful, disciplined, and conduct his or herself accordingly, especially while in uniform or spirit wear. Uniforms are expected to be properly cared for and worn by all students.
Land's End is our official uniform provider. Our preferred number is: 900138025.
Boys (Kindergarten- 5th Grade)
- White polo shirt or long sleeve
- Navy pants or shorts
- Evergreen logo ’d top (includes polo shirt, sweater, vest, or fleece)
Girls (Kindergarten- 5th Grade)
- White polo shirt, blouse, or long sleeve
- “White Plaid” Land’s End jumpers, skorts, or skirts (navy or black shorts or leggings to be worn underneath)
- Navy pants or shorts
- Evergreen logo ’d top (includes polo shirt, sweater, vest, or fleece)
Boys and Girls (Middle School 6th-8th Grade)
- White polo shirt, blouse, or long sleeve
- Khaki pants or shorts
- Khaki Land’s End skort or skirt (navy or black shorts or leggings to be worn underneath)
- Evergreen logo wear on top (includes green logo polo shirts or logo sweaters & sweater vests
- P.E. uniform includes spirit wear top and shorts
Boys and Girls (Preschool and Prekindergarten)
- White polo shirt, blouse, or long sleeve
- Navy pants or shorts
- Navy Land’s End jumper, skort, or skirt (navy or black shorts or leggings to be worn underneath)
- Evergreen logo ’d top (includes polo shirt, sweater, vest, or fleece)
All Students (Full Uniform Days)
Students will be required to be in full uniform for Mass, assemblies or other special days, and field trips.
- Evergreen logo ’d top (includes polo shirt, sweater, vest, or fleece)
Our uniform exchange is a great opportunity to find clean and gently used uniforms. This is a great way to recycle uniforms that have been outgrown or find that next size up. Families can drop off clean uniforms to the School Office. The uniform exchange is organized by our parent volunteers and is a great resource for families.