About Us » Religion Committee

Religion Committee


The Religion Committee reviews aspects of Catholicity in our school and makes recommendations to the Principal and Pastor to maintain and expand the Catholic identity of the school.


  • Reviews religion curriculum and makes recommendations for updates or changes.
  • Maintains an active partnership with parents in the religious education of their children.
  • Researches and plans for parent religious education events.
  • Assists with providing service opportunities to students in their school, parish, and civic communities.
  • Assists with planning for Catholic traditions and practices with students and staff throughout the school year.
  • Reviews and makes recommendations about the signs and symbols of our Catholic faith in the school.
  • Assists with the implementation and review of the WCEA Catholic Identity Standards.
  • Assists with planning for students and staff to participate in prayer experiences and retreats.
  • Assist with the implementation of the School Improvement Plan in the area of Catholic identity.

In 2008, The school's Religion Committee was formed to enhance our Catholic identity and religious instruction. The committee members consist of school staff, parents, the principal, parishioners, and parish staff. They meet as needed to share ideas, plan tasks, complete the School Improvement Plan goals, and help fulfill the school’s mission and vision. 

Some accomplishments of the Religion Committee include:

  • implementation of student led end of day prayer
  • development of a monthly saint and virtue program
  • continual review of our current Religion teaching curriculum
  • sourcing materials for parents
  • coordinating for each student and teacher desk to be blessed
  • providing a permanent Holy Card on each student’s desk
  • invitation for school parents and staff to a parish Life in the Spirit Seminar
  • organizing the religious vocation day
  • scheduling an annual Children’s Holy Hour liturgy
  • implementing a teaching segment of the Mass at our school Masses

Since 2010, the Religion Committee developed our Catholic Identity goals for Accreditation. As a result, the Religion Committee has:

  • provided Children’s Missals for student use and coordinated having a song sheet for each school Mass
  • obtained teaching materials to increase student knowledge about the Mass
  • helped planned school Masses
  • assisted with the teaching of the Catholic Social Teachings to all grades
  • provided parent prayer leaders for student participation in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
  • implemented school wide student led morning prayer
  • arranged for continuing parent religious education through materials and presentations
  • worked with the Knights of Columbus to raise funds to purchase Catholic Youth Bibles for Middle School students
  • planned a faith-based student recognition system to acknowledge our student’s Christian behavior
  • work closely with the St. Brendan Parish Peace and Justice and Faith Formation committees to coordinate resources and plan joint events



Contact us with your questions or comments: [email protected]