7th/8th Science Assignments

Mrs. Taylor Lockman
2024-2025 School Year
7th Grade
Welcome to science with Mrs. Lockman! I am excited for this school year and look forwarding to helping you grow as a scientist and future saint. Please email me if you have any questions related to our class. 
Mrs. Lockman

Assignment Calendar

Upcoming Assignments RSS Feed


Invention Research HW Due

Assignment was handed out in class on Monday, but I attached it here as well!
Let me know if you have questions!
Created by Taylor Lockman: Thursday, January 16 11:38 AM

Past Assignments


Invention Convention: Identifying and Understanding Questions

Complete research to answer the questions passed out during class today. Remember to document everything you find! You are welcome to print off pictures to glue into your notebook to aide in your research. 
Created by Taylor Lockman: Monday, January 6 10:49 AM


Turn in Missing Work!

Tomorrow is your last day to turn in any missing for the trimester, be sure to get it turned in during class tomorrow!
I will be back tomorrow, but feel free to email me if you have any questions regarding any missing work. 
Mrs. Lockman
Created by Taylor Lockman: Thursday, December 12 2:52 PM


STREAM at Home Connections

Complete tasks 1-3 by Thursday. I recommend asking the family member you plan to interview the questions in advance and give them a chance to brainstorm some ideas before writing down their answers. 
Created by Taylor Lockman: Friday, December 6 3:31 PM


Complete Study Guide for Forces & Motion Test

Complete the study guide by Wednesday. The test will be on Thursday!
Created by Taylor Lockman: Tuesday, December 3 1:27 PM


Newton's Laws Poster

Please see attached assignment for the instructions and grading rubric. 
I have large paper in my room for you to use, please feel free to grab what you need and let me know if you need a different color. 
Happy creating! 😁
Created by Taylor Lockman: Monday, November 4 11:31 AM


Investigate Motion Graph and Final Question

Please remember to finish your graph and the question below it if you did not finish in class today. 
Reminder Force (N) is on the X axis and Acceleration (m/s^2) is on the Y axis. Look at your range of numbers and decide what the best scale is to allow the data to fit on the graph. 
The question at the end is asking you to evaluate the relationship between force and acceleration, look at your graph, if you increase the force does the acceleration increase as well or does it decrease. 
See you in class tomorrow! 
Mrs. Lockman
Created by Taylor Lockman: Tuesday, October 29 2:58 PM


Study for Forces Quiz Tomorrow

Review your notes in preparation for the quiz tomorrow. The quiz will cover forces, gravity, friction, force diagrams, and anything else we have covered so far this year. 
See you tomorrow! 😊 
Created by Taylor Lockman: Monday, October 14 3:06 PM


Bring Charged Computer

Your activity in class on Monday requires your computer. Please please please make sure it is charged the night before!
You will not be needing headphones so do not plan to use them in class. 
Thank you!
Created by Taylor Lockman: Wednesday, September 25 11:00 PM


Parent/Guardian Signatures - Lab Safety & Welcome Letter

Please read through and sign both the lab safety agreement as well as the welcome letter for science. 
Have a great weekend!
Created by Taylor Lockman: Friday, September 6 12:47 PM