Religion - 8th Grade


March 24th 8th Grade Religion E-Learning Lesson

Good morning, 8th grade!
Today we will continue reading Ch. 9 in our textbook. Read page 150 and complete the activities on page 151.
As you read page 150 reflect on the following questions:
  • In what ways might it have been easy for the monks in Benedict's monasteries to lead a Christian life?
  • In what ways might it have been difficult for them to live life as they did?
Submit your responses to the prompts on page 151 by 4:00 p.m. today.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you! 

March 23rd E-Learning Religion Lesson

Please use this link to the Mass readings from yesterday for today's lesson in Religion:
This week's responsorial psalm comes from Psalm 23 which is often used or read when a person is facing difficulties. It reminds us that God watches over us, protects us, and provides for our needs. Think about how the psalm can bring comfort to those who are experiencing difficulties at this time. How can it help you? 
The second reading reminds us that as children of God we are called to be lights to a world that is troubled with darkness. We are called to learn "what is pleasing to the Lord." How do you do this? How are you a light to others?
The Gospel gives us an account of one of the many miracles of Jesus. We hear how Jesus healed a man who was born blind but his actions were met with anger and doubt. The Pharisees questioned his actions and didn't believe in him but the man he had healed knew and recognized Jesus as Lord. How many times do we see God's work in our lives, in our world, but we still have doubts or questions? Do we take time to acknowledge and give thanks for the times God shows his love for us? How can we share the good news of how God is working in our lives with others?
Pick one of the readings to focus on (1st or 2nd reading, the Psalm, or Gospel) and spend about 10 minutes prayerfully reading the Scripture. Then write a brief paragraph reflecting on what you read. You can include a particular verse that stood out to you, questions you have about what you read, a summary of the reading, connections you might make between these readings and other Scripture passages, or how you think God might be talking to you through the Scriptures. You can use the prompts above to also guide your reflection.
This song uses lyrics inspired by the Scriptures. You can also reflect on the lyrics for your assignment.

March 19th E-Learning 8th Grade Religion

Good morning, 8th Grade! And Happy Feast of St. Joseph!
Since we usually don't have class on Friday there will be no formal assignment given but I encourage you to take some time to pray tomorrow. 
Father Wichert and Mrs. Shumate are trying to put together a "school Mass" tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. with a small group of people since Father can do private Masses. They would then stream the Mass so everyone can "join." More information will hopefully be coming soon about that. If you are able I encourage you to participate in Mass in this unique way.
Also, Pope Francis has asked that all the faithful pray a rosary together today. It will start at 1 p.m. (9 p.m. in Rome) and we will pray the Luminous Mysteries. Here is a link with more details and a translation of Pope Francis' message:
Today's assignment is to read pages 148-149 of Chapter 9 in your textbook. Do the activity on page 149 and reflect on the following questions:
  • How did St. Benedict's lifestyle foster a close relationship with God?
  • Why were people drawn to St. Benedict's rule and way of life?
  • What work did monks and nuns do to preserve Christian faith and Western culture?
  • Take some time to think about the ways in which you've experienced God's presence in your thoughts or in the world around you.
Please let me know if there are any questions. 
Thank you!