Religion - 7th Grade


April 27th Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th Grade

Good morning, 7th Grade!
This week we will be finishing Chapter 15: The Resurrection and the Call to Discipleship. Today's lesson will focus on pages 232-233.
Read pages 232-233. As you read the "Called to Serve" section think about 1) who helps you to discover God's love for you and 2) why it is important for us to recognize and use the gifts and abilities that God has given us. All members of the Church, men and women, old and young, are called to spread the Gospel to others. Our faith cannot be secret and passive; it must translate into words and actions. We are called to live out our faith through our words and actions as we live as disciples. Reflect on the different ways that laypeople can serve in their parishes.
As you read the "Our Church Teaches" section reflect on how the Holy Spirit gives you grace and strength. 
On page 233, complete the 2nd activity and submit your response. Think about how you can use this time of social-distancing and staying at home to grow in your spiritual life and habits.
Please submit your reflections on Monday by 4:00 p.m.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

April 23rd Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th Grade

Hi, 7th Grade!
I hope you all enjoyed your Family Emmaus Walks. We will do more of these in the coming weeks. If you haven't already completed your Family Emmaus Walk and reflection, please do so by Thursday (April 23rd) at 4:00 p.m. Thank you!
We're going back into our textbook for Thursday's lesson. We will be starting Chapter 15: The Resurrection and the Call to Discipleship. Just like we celebrate the season of Christmas over a multitude of days, as Catholics we don't celebrate Easter for one day and then move on. We are still in the season of Easter and celebrate Easter and Jesus' Resurrection until the feast of Pentecost. Just as we spent several weeks of Lent preparing ourselves for the Passion and Crucifixion, we should spend these 50 days of Easter remembering and celebrating Jesus' Resurrection. Through his death and rising from the grave, Jesus not only saved us from sin but he also freely gives us the gift of grace. We need this gift of grace to help us imitate his goodness and live out our vocation as disciples.
Read pages 229-231. As you read the passage from the Gospel of Luke note that the writer is careful to tell us that not all Jews are responsible for Jesus' death. Many of Jesus' disciples were also Jesus and followed him throughout his ministry, and some even stayed with him through his Passion and Death. Today our Church teaches that Christians should not discriminate against those of the Jewish faith or hold anyone responsible for the death of Jesus. Instead, as disciples of Jesus, we are called to respect all people and work together for peace and unity.
As you read page 231, answer and reflect on the following questions: 1) to what is Jesus referring when he speaks of 'the promise of my Father'? and 2) how do we know that the Holy Spirit is is at work bringing us God's grace? Complete the activity on page 231 and use the attached cipher to decode the message. Then reflect on what the message means to you and to all disciples of Christ.
Please submit your reflections on Thursday by 4:00 p.m.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

April 21st Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th and 8th Grade

Your assignment for Tuesday, and Wednesday, is to do a Family Emmaus Walk. Explain to your family what an Emmaus Walk is and why we do them. Spend some time (at least 15 minutes) either Tuesday or Wednesday with one or more family members to tell them about the April virtue and saint of the month as well as discuss the questions listed below. 
I understand that families have different schedules and obligations so it may be difficult to find time to complete the Emmaus Walk so you have two days to finish this assignment. 
Afterwards, please write a one paragraph reflection on the discussion and submit it to me by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22nd. Include in your reflection how you think the Family Emmaus Walk went, what it was like to do this as a family instead of with your classmates, and what you learned about your family member(s).
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
  • How did you celebrate Easter Sunday? Does your family have any Easter traditions?
  • Why do we, as Christians/Catholics, celebrate the season of Easter? How do we celebrate Easter?
  • What has been the most difficult part of social distancing? What has been an unexpected benefit or positive thing?
  • How do you think you have grown as a person this school year?
  • Who is one fictional character (from TV, a movie, or book) that you wish was a real person?
  • How do you think the disciples felt when they realized the tomb was empty?
  • In this past Sunday’s Gospel we heard the story of Thomas and Jesus’ words of “blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Would you be like Thomas and have to see something to believe in it? Is it possible to believe without seeing physical evidence?
  • Last Sunday was Divine Mercy Sunday. How does God show us mercy? How do you show mercy to your family members?
  • Describe one of your favorite family memories.
  • What book or story has had the biggest impact on you?
  • If you could ask Jesus to change one problem in the world today, which problem would you pick?
  • What would your perfect day look like?

April 20th Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th and 8th Grade

Happy Easter season, everyone!
I hope you all had a blessed Triduum and a wonderful Easter Break! Remember that we celebrate Easter until Pentecost Sunday so we are still in a season of celebration as a Church.
Today please complete the April Virtues in Practice lesson. The virtue for the month is forgiveness and the saint is St. Josephine Bakhita. 
Also, spend some time doing the Virtue Activity on page 38. This is for your personal reflection and you do not need to share your response to this section. 
Please answer the 2 Review questions on page 39 and submit your responses to me by 4:00 p.m. today.
The April lesson will also be posted here on the school website or you can visit the Virtues in Practice website to view the lesson:
If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you!

April 9th Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th and 8th Grade

Good morning, everyone!
I hope you were able to join us at the Holy Thursday prayer service this morning. If you were unable to join, Mrs. Shumate did record it and a link will be shared today so you can view it later. Thanks again to Aubrey, Rachel, and Tyler for reading!
Remember that tonight we celebrate the Mass of the Lord's Supper. You can watch this live-streamed on the parish Facebook page or on the parish YouTube channel.
Spend some time today in prayer and reflect on the readings for today. Here is a link to the readings:
As you read the Gospel reflect on these questions: 1) Jesus showed his disciples how they were called to serve and love others at the washing of the feet; how are you called to love and serve others, especially during this time? 2) The disciples gathered with Jesus to celebrate the feast of Passover, and during the Triduum we usually gather in special ways to remember and celebrate Jesus' Passion, Death, and Resurrection. Even though we are physically kept apart right now because of social distancing, how can we as a church family gather and celebrate this feast of the Triduum and Easter?
Respond to these questions and send them to me by 4:00 this afternoon.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

April 6th Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th Grade

Good morning, 7th grade!
Today find at least 20 minutes to spend in prayer. You can pray by reading Scripture, meditating, saying the rosary, etc. Also, find 3 ways to help your family today by doing some small acts of service.
Check out this short video about the role of the virtue of hope during Holy Week:
If you choose to spend your time in prayer today reading the Scriptures, here is the link to today's readings for Mass:
Each year, the 8th grade class normally leads the school in a prayer service on Holy Thursday and the 7th grade does Stations of the Cross on Good Friday. This year we will be observing Holy Week in a unique way. On Thursday we will have a virtual prayer service via Zoom and on Good Friday Father Wichert will lead the school and parish in praying the Stations. If you would like to participate in the Holy Thursday prayer service as a reader please let me know by the end of today (3:30 p.m.). I will be sending out the script later this afternoon.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

April 6th Religion E-Learning Lesson 7th Grade

Good morning, 7th grade!
Yesterday we began Holy Week with Palm Sunday. Each day this week find at least 20 minutes to spend in prayer. You can pray by reading Scripture, meditating, saying the rosary, etc. Also, find 3 ways to help your family each day by doing some small acts of service.
Check out this short video about Holy Week:
If you choose to spend your time in prayer today reading the Scriptures, here is the link to yesterday's readings for Palm Sunday:
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

April 2nd Religion E-Learning Lesson

Good morning, everyone!
For today's class I would like you to spend some time reflecting on the Stations of the Cross. Here is a link to a playlist of the Stations of the Cross by Busted Halo: There are 14 videos in total but each is less than 3 minutes. So set aside some time today to quiet yourself and meditate on this important devotion. You do not need to submit a formal reflection to me.
Please let me know if you have any questions or have trouble with the videos.
Thank you!

March 31st Religion E-Learning Lesson

Today's assignment is to spend some time reading and reflecting with Scripture. Here is the link for this weekend's readings for Palm Sunday: Spend at least 30 minutes examining the readings and reflecting on what you have read.
You do not need to submit a reflection today.

March 30th 7th Grade Religion E-Learning Lesson

Good morning, 7th grade!
Congratulations and thank you for completing Chapter 13 in our textbook! You all did a great job with your reflections.
We're going to take a short break from working in the book and look at the March Virtues in Practice lesson. The virtue for the month was respect and the saint is St. John Paul II. Please use this link to the VIP website ( to find the lesson on the virtue and saint for this month and complete the review and questions. Submit your responses by 4:00 p.m. today.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Thank you!

March 26th 7th Grade Religion E-Learning Lesson

Good morning, 7th grade!
Today's assignment is to read about St. Padre Pio on page 188 in your textbook. Respond to questions 1-3 in the "Activities" section on page 188 and 189. Then complete the Chapter 12 review on pages 191-192. Please submit your responses by 4:00 p.m.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

March 24th 7th Grade Religion E-Learning Lesson

Good morning, 7th grade!
Today we will continue reading Ch. 12. Please read page 186 and complete the activities on page 187.
Submit your responses to me by 4:00 p.m. today.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!