6th Grade Student Organizational Skills (SOS) and Study Skills Class (Period 1)

Course Description

Welcome to the SOS Class - Student Organizational Skills and Student Study Skills Class
6th grade will have the SOS Class every Tuesday afternoon from 1:50-2:30.  
The SOS Class is an introduction to basic work management and organizational skills you'll need to do well in middle school. 
The benefits of being an organized student include:
* Better Grades       * Less Stress        * More Free Time       * Boost to Self-Confidence
Weekly lessons in organizational skills will be taught the first half of the school year and will include:  organizing a binder, using a planner, tips for working with others on a group project, self-advocating with teachers, note-taking skills, writing skills, etc. 
Weekly lessons in Study Skills will be taught the 2nd half of the school year and will include:  learning styles, note-taking, test taking strategies, test anxiety, time management, etc.

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Lesson 23 - Importance of a Homework Routine

Today's lesson was about the importance of having a Homework Routine.
Students are asked to analyze their homework habits tonight and tomorrow night. 
On Thursday, please complete pages 68 & 69 about their typical homework habits. 
Turn in pages 68/69 in class on Tuesday, April 1st.
Last Modified: Tuesday, March 25 2:49 PM