Homeroom (8th)
Assignment Calendar
Course Description
High School application information:
Link to the Confidential Teacher Evaluation Form / Transcript Request (For high school applications, students must turn in ASAP): https://www.kennedyhs.org/uploaded/Admissions/ApplicationProcess/School_Report.Transcript_Request_and_Teacher_Evaluation.pdf
There are two separate forms on that link. The Confidential Teacher Evaluation Form is filled out by myself and the other 8th grade teachers and sent to the high schools they are applying to. Please turn this form into me.
The Transfer Request Form is filled out by the office and principal. Please turn this into the office.
These MUST be turned in for a complete high school application. We make copies and turn them into the schools for you once we have completed them. Please make sure to fill out the parts that you must fill out (it will say "to be completed by the applicant") These take us a great amount of time to fill out, so I ask that these get turned in by the end of November so that we (the staff) may work on them and get them turned into the high schools before Christmas break.
Attached below are PDF's filled with information from the Catholic high schools on open houses, information nights, and high school specific admissions contact information, deadlines for applications, test dates, and fees. Please consult these. The sooner you start this process, the better. Please let me know if there are any questions!