Spanish 7th Grade Assignments

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Toc Toc Find the Sentence and Trim it Worksheet

Find the Sentence Portion:
- Look for each of the English sentences in the story "Toc Toc" in Spanish. Copy them onto the space provided for each translated sentence.
Trim it Portion:
- Now, create a shortened version of the story. To do this, you will only keep THREE sentences in each paragraph. Use a pencil or marker to cross out any extra sentences in each paragraph. Leave only three sentences in each paragraph. 
Due: Tuesday January 21st. 
Created by Susana Murnane: Wednesday, January 15 12:24 PM

Past Assignments


Personal Inventory Worksheet

Answer as many of the questions provided as you feel comfortable with. Make sure to look at both the front and the back. 
This assignment is due on Sept 12th for 8th grade and Sept 17th for 7th grade.
Created by Susana Murnane: Tuesday, September 10 2:06 PM


Syllabus Homework

Your assignment is to take home your syllabus and read through it with your parents or guardians. After reading it, your parents must fill out the column on the left, and you must fill out the column on the right. One point for the parent/guardian side, one point for the student side. 
This assignment is due on Sept. 10th for 8th grade and Sept.11th for 7th grade.
Created by Susana Murnane: Monday, September 9 1:17 PM