8th Grade ELA Assignments
- Instructors
- Term
- 2022-2023 School Year
- Department
- 8th Grade
Upcoming Assignments
No upcoming assignments.
Past Assignments
8th ELA--6/9/2023
8th ELA--6/9/2023--Your very last homework assignment from me. Practice, practice, practice your speeches for Monday's dinner. That way if you are crying, which some of you will likely do, you can complete your speech well.
Take care, eighth graders! Good luck!
8th ELA--6/8/2023
8th ELA--6/8/2023--practice your speeches for next Monday night's (6/12/2023) dinner. Practice it aloud in front of a mirror. Print a copy to have with you that night. This copy needs to be printed in a larger size font and with double-line spacing. Practice enough to present your speech as though you had it memorized, but you do not need to memorize it. Ask me if you have any questions.
8th ELA--6/6/2023
8th ELA--6/6/2023--Celebration! Be prepared with a small treat for yourself and your laptop for reading your essays in small groups.
8th ELA--6/2/2023
8th ELA--6/2/2023--finish the paper and proof it. It is due Friday, 6/2/2023. Do well tonight and "break a leg".
8th ELA--6/1/2023
8th ELA--6/1/2023--essay work. This is due on Friday, June 2. Rest for play and do your best tonight.
8th ELA--5/31/2023
8th ELA--5/31/2023--it is very important that tonight you work long and hard on the essay. It is due on Friday, 6/2/2023, and you have two very busy days coming up.
8th ELA--5/26/2023
8th ELA--5/26/2023--there will be no class tomorrow, Friday, because of your responsibilities with Carnival. Be certain to spend quality time and lots of it to write your final WW paper ever. It is due on Friday, 6/2/2023, and there is not time for extensions.
Do your very best!
8th ELA--5/25/2023
8th ELA--5/25/2023--it is necessary for you to be working on your investigative essays at home tonight. There are other things that need our class time tomorrow, Thursday. If you did not send me your final grad speech today in class, do that tonight as part of your homework, please.
8th ELA--5/24/2023
8th ELA--5/24/2023--essay is a MUST focus task. This is homework every night. Work to include quotes, paraphrases for in-text citations. Use today's information packet to help you. Take care of any missing work or corrections.
8th ELA--5/23/2023
8th ELA--5/23/2023--final versions of your graduation dinner speech are due to me on Wednesday, 5/24/2023. Please get them in on time.
Essays--the due date is Friday, June 2. This is a firm deadline with no extensions. Conferences will be ongoing to check how you are doing. The class tomorrow, Tuesday, will be about in-text citations which I expect you will be using in this investigative journalism writing essay. You will also need to have a bibliography.
8th ELA--5/19/2023
8th ELA--5/19/2023--continue with investigative essay/writing. The final of your graduation speech MUST be in to me by Wednesday, 5/24/2023. This is a firm deadline and there is no negotiation on this deadline. (This is the editor speaking.)
8th ELA--5/17/2023
8th ELA--5/17/2023--the last WW lesson was today. This means that the focus of our work is to complete the investigative journalism piece on your topic card in the classroom. The due date for this is Friday, June 2. If it is completed before that date, it is possible to turn it in earlier.
ALL graduation speech drafts need to be in. Most first drafts are in, but there are still three missing. If you have received your first draft with comments/feedback, please resubmit an updated/revised copy ASAP.
8th ELA--5/16/2023
8th ELA--5/16/2023--focus on the writing of your investigative journalism essay that is due on Friday, June 2, 2023. Tomorrow you will write a newscast from scratch during class. Come up with an idea for what it will be about, e.g. your play preparations?
8th ELA--5/15/2023
8th ELA--5/15/2023--two things for the weekend and due on Monday for one:
draft of graduation dinner thank you speech is due on Monday, 5/15/2023
concentrated work on the investigative essay (due on June 2 or earlier that week)
LAST two WW will be next week and then it is concentrated work.
8th--ELA--5/12/2023--continue to work on your investigative journalism writing. Tentative due date is Thursday, 5/25/2023.
8th ELA--5/11/2023
8th ELA--5/11/2023--Study vocab for test on Thursday, 5/11/2023.
Complete the first draft of your 8th grade dinner speech to turn in on Thursday. This is non-negotiable. This will be reviewed by Mr. L and Mrs. W. for comment and feedback.
8th ELA--5/10/2023
8th ELA--5/10/2023--study vocab words 6A for test on THURSDAY, 5/11/2023. This is a change in day!
WW--work on researching your topic from your card in the ELA classroom. Contact your colleague/classmate who also put their name on your card.
8th ELA--5/9/2023
8th ELA--5/9/2023--in the ELA book on page 374-375, complete #8-32. Follow the directions to name the infinitive in the sentences. Then name if it is being used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. There can be sentences with NO infinitives or sentences with compound (more than one) infinitives. Read carefully and thoughtfully. Do your best.
Study vocab words, 6A, for a test on Thursday, 5/11/2023. (Safety Patrol field trip is on Friday.)
8th ELA--5/5/2023
8th ELA--5/5/2023--study for vocab test 5B on Friday, 5/5/2023.
8th ELA--5/4/2023
8th ELA--5/4/2023--study for vocab test on Friday, 5/5/2023.
Work on the newscast or beginning work for the investigative journalism writing.
8th ELA--5/3/2023
8th ELA--5/3/2023--study vocab 5B, #11-20, for test on Friday.
8th ELA--5/2/2023
8th ELA--5/2/2023--study vocab 5B, #11-20, pg. 59-60 for test on Friday, 5/5/2023
Check to be certain that all your poems are turned in. Power School will be updated this afternoon or tomorrow morning.
Be prepared for WW lesson on Tuesday. Are all three of your newscasts turned in?
8th ELA--4/28/2023
8th ELA--4/28/2023--Tonight, you need to respond to the comments/feedback you received today from your partner.
8th ELA--4/27/2023
8th ELA--4/27/2023--be certain that you have completed and turned in all three newscasts: one on the 7th grade Ropes Course and two on topics/events of your choice. Be certain that you cover all of the five W's in each one. These will be in Power School.
If you have NOT turned in all three of your poems, shape, dialogue, and ekphrasic, make certain that all are in ASAP!
8th ELA--4/25/2023
8th ELA--4/25/2023--tonight you are expected to write two full newscasts (about one page each). One will be about the Ropes Course trip last spring. The other is one of your choice. It might be as observing a swim meet, a soccer tournament, or some other event you witnessed or participated in. Remember to keep the writing in third person (him, them, her, us). These are both due tomorrow, Tuesday, 4/25/2023.
8th ELA--4/18/2023
8th ELA--4/18/2023--I missed seeing you today. Enjoy your San Juan trip and come back refreshed and ready to learn.
8th ELA--4/7/2023
8th ELA--4/7/2023--NO Class. Keep reading newspapers and news magazines. Not just your sport interest.
8th ELA--4/6/2023
8th ELA--4/6/2023--be certain to have your five w's statement written and now write the full news blurb to expand it with "the rest of the story". Have this ready to turn in during class on Thursday.
8th ELA--4/5/2023
8th ELA--4/5/2023--for homework tonight in your WW notebook/journalist notebook, write a news cast. You can write about the one you saw today in the classroom and/or the one for something during the assembly. Be certain to cover the five w's and write about a page for each of them. Have them with you for class tomorrow.
Be prepared to cover more fully the topic of in-text citations and a way to earn 3 points for it to improve your LWM paper grade.
8th ELA -- 4/4/2023
8th ELA -- 4/4/2023--finish the writing assignment given in class today. This does NOT need to be a finish copy; rather it is narrative writing for me to see how you do with writing narratives. This is the best true story you can write. It is of one moment that you were part of or witnessed. You might focus on a moment or two in this event. It needs a beginning, transition words to show time passage and order, details/elaboration, show the story don't just tell it, and an ending. This is due Tuesday, 4/4/2023.
8th ELA--3/31/2023
8th ELA--3/31/2023--vocab test tomorrow; turn in poems. We will talk about the WW next unit and the pre-assessment that will be on Monday, 4/3/2023.
8th ELA--3/29/2023
8th ELA--3/29/2023--select a photo or picture to use for the ekphrastic poem. Remember you are writing about the picture and what it evokes in you--feelings, ideas. Keep the picture before you so you can maintain focus fort the writing. If at all possible include a copy of the work with your poem. It can be written from any perspective--yourself, an object in the art work, or something else that occurs to you. This is due on Thursday or Friday of this week.
Practice/learn/study the vocab words for Friday's test.
8th EAL--3/28/2023
8th EAL--3/28/2023--study vocab 5A for Friday test on #1-10. Be certain to have your ELA notebook with you for Tuesday's class.
8th ELA--3/27/2023
8th ELA--3/27/2023--begin studying next vocab list--5A, pg. 58-59, #1-10. The test will be next Friday, 3/31/2023.
8th ELA--3/24/2023
8th ELA--3/24/2023--vocab test on Friday, 3/24/2023. Study the list and practice using the words in sentences.
8th ELA--3/23/2023
8th ELA--3/23/2023--study vocab words for test on Friday, 3/24/2023. This is Unit 4B on pg. 52-53, #11-20. Tomorrow we are doing work on the recent post-assessment for gerunds.
8th ELA--3/22/2023
8th ELA--3/22/2023--study vocab words for Friday's vocab test.
Finish your poems. Get supplies from Mrs. Wenzl room if necessary.
Be prepared for review of recent Gerund post-test with the opportunity to get back some points.
8th ELA--3/21/2023
8th ELA--3/21/2023--shape poem is due tomorrow--Tuesday, 3/21/2023. Dialogue poem is due on Wednesday, 3/22/2023. Vocab test on pg. 52-53, #11-20, is on Friday, 3/24/2023.
8th ELA--3/17/2023
8th ELA--3/17/2023--for Friday, prepare your props and materials for LWM; get a good night's rest; practice your speeches
8th ELA--3/15/2023
8th ELA--3/15/2023--continue to practice your speech for Friday. No other homework tonight.
8th ELA--3/14/2023
8th ELA--3/14/2023--study for final assessment on gerunds--notes, returned packet, ELA book. Practice your speech for LWM.
8th ELA--3/13/2023
8th ELA--3/13/2023--gerund post-assessment is Monday. Practice/memorize your speeches and make sure your site floor plan is ready to turn in.
8th ELA--3/9/2023
8th ELA--3/9/2023-study for Greek/Latin root test and practice LWM speech
8th ELA--3/8/2023
8th ELA--3/8/2023--There are two priorities: 1. Greek/Latin root word test on Thursday, 3/9/2023
2. Memorize/practice LWM speech so you are comfortable and confident in presentation
8th ELA--3/3/2023
8th ELA--3/3/2023--speeches are due to Mr. Langston on Friday, 3/3/2023, tomorrow. Practice your speeches.
Latin root test is tomorrow, Friday, 3/3/2023. Be certain to study.
8th ELA--3/2/2023
8th ELA--3/2/2023--If the word search for 5 new words using the roots of the week is not turned in, please get it in. Study for Friday's test. Memorize your speech for LWM.
8th ELA--3/1/2023
8th ELA--3/1/2023--complete and turn in any missing work by Friday, 3/3/2023. Study the Latin root list for Friday's test.
If anyone would like me to review their speech, just let me know. I need to conference with anyone who needs to revise their argument essay. There is only one week to do this.
8th ELA--2/28/2023
8th ELA--2/28/2023--complete Greek/Latin root search and turn in on Tuesday, 2/28/2023
8th ELA--2/28/2023
8th ELA--2/28/2023--complete the Latin root word assignment that is due tomorrow, Tuesday, 2/28/2023.
Study your Latin root words for Friday's test and work on your speeches that are due on Friday, 3/3/2023.
8th ELA--2/24/2023
8th ELA--2/24/2023--LWM paper with self-assessment is due Friday, 2/24/2023. If you left the self-assessment in the ELA room, please get one in the morning to complete and attach to your essay.
8th ELA--2/22/2023
8th ELA--2/22/2023--work on LWM essay. This is due on 2/24/2023. If you do not have the version of Microsoft word that has the full references tab, try using the mybib.com site to create your bibliography. Remember to set it for MLA.
8th ELA--2/17/2023
8th ELA--2/17/2023--work on the Wax Museum essay that is due next Friday, 2/24/2023.
8th ELA--2/14/2023
8th ELA--2/14/2023--WW argument essay on the short story is due Tuesday, 2/14/2023. Be certain that you proofread it and edit it before turning it in. Complete the self-assessment you received in class and attach it behind your paper. Read it aloud as you edit so you are able to hear it.
Any and all missing or late work for ELA is due by Wednesday, 2/15/2023.
8th ELA--2/10/2023
8th ELA--2/10/2023--the final copy of the argument paper on the theme of the selected short story is due on Tuesday, 2/14/2023. Spend the long weekend working on this to be ready for Tuesday! Do your best the first time and make it something you are proud about how you do.
8th ELA--2/9/2023
8th ELA--2/9/2023--study for "ject" root test that is on Thursday, 2/9/2023.
Continue to write/edit/revise your theme argument paper which is due on Tuesday, 2/14/2023.
Continue writing/revising/editing your wax museum essay that is due on Friday, 2/24/2023.
8th ELA--2/8/2023
8th ELA--2/8/2023--study "-ject" Latin root for test on Thursday, 2/9/2023.
Continue to write/revise/annotate your WW essay on the theme of the selected short story. Due next Tuesday, 2/14.
Also, continue to work on the typed text of your wax museum essay due on 2/24/2023, Friday. Ask if there are any questions or wonderings about format, spacing, etc.
8th ELA--2/7/2023
8th ELA--2/7/2023--work on WW argument essay. This is due on Tuesday, 2/14/2023, as per your request. Also, spend some time working on the Wax Museum essay due on 2/24/2023.
Greek/Latin root test on Thursday, 2/9/2023. Please study the word list you received today.
8th ELA--2/2/2023
8th ELA--2/2/2023-- we will meet next on Thursday, 2/2/2023, and have a WW lesson. We will need to discuss potential due date for the WW essay. Be certain to include quotes and references to the short story text as part of your evidence to support your claim or to rebut a counterargument. Think about what kind of counterclaim might be made that you need to address.
8th ELA--1/31/2023
8th ELA--1/31/2023--spend some time writing your literary argument essay. If it has less than a page, get some volume to it so you have something to work with for tonight's homework. For tonight, revise, annotate, and write more of your essay.
8th ELA--1/27/2023
8th ELA--1/27/2023--"dict" Greek/Latin root test tomorrow. Be certain to study your list of words.
Continue to work on the WW argument essay about a literary work. Also, continue writing the science wax museum paper due on 2/24/2023.
8th ELA--1/27/2023
8th ELA--1/27/2023--work on your WW essay writing and the wax museum writing project over the weekend.
8th ELA--1/26/2023
8th ELA--1/26/2023--review, study Greek/Latin root for Friday test.
Work on science wax figure writing at home.
8th ELA--1/25/2023
8th ELA--1/25/2023--complete the flash draft on the theme of your short story tonight for homework. It is due on Wednesday, tomorrow. It can be typed or hand-written; it is your choice.
Study your "dict" word list for the test on Friday.
8th ELA--1/24/2023
8th ELA--1/24/2023--be ready on Tuesday, 1/24/2023, to do a flash draft of your essay about the theme of the short story you have chosen to use. Plan for how you will write it and evidence you plan to use to convince me of your position about the theme. The draft is written in the form of an argument about the theme. Analysis is an important part of this work.
Study Greek/Latin root, dict (speak), for the test on Friday, 1/27/2023.
8th ELA--1/20/2023
8th ELA--1/20/2023--continue working on drafting the wax figure research paper for science.
For ELA/WW on Monday, 1/23/2023, be ready to do more partner discussion/writing/notes about the theme of the text you chose.
8th ELA--1/18/2023
8th ELA--1/18/2023--spend time tonight writing two pages about the theme of the dystopian short story you and your partner are reading for this WW unit. There will be some time in class tomorrow.
8th ELA--1/16/2023
8th ELA--1/16/2023--over the weekend, work on the WW assignment from Thursday. Be writing about the different themes you think are in the short story, "Summer in a Day". Write 1.5 - 2 pages on your thinking. It can be a couple of short entries or a longer one. Email/send a copy to your WW partner over the weekend so that they can read and respond.
8th ELA--1/13/2023
8th ELA--1/13/2023--review and be prepared for "spec" Latin root test. Same format to test as before.
In Writers' Workshop notebook, finish writing reflection/ideas about theme of "Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. If you wrote one, think about second theme and write about that--1 to 1.5 pages.
8th ELA--1/12/2023
8th ELA--1/12/2023--finish the writing for the WW unit tonight. This is due first think in the morning when you come into the building from carpool.
Secondly: study the word list for the root, spec. There will be a test on Friday for this. If you are out of town, I will attempt to scan and send it to you.
8th ELA--1/11/2023
8th ELA--1/11/2023--the WW pre-assessment has been pushed to Wednesday, 1/11/2023, because of the virtues assembly. Have your notes and information with you to do this in class.
Study the root "spec"--look, see.
8th ELA -- 1/10/2023
8th ELA -- 1/10/2023--be prepared for a WW writing pre-assessment on argument writing. You may bring information you have located for the topic or issue you plan to write a position. This is going to be hand-written. The information you found can be on your laptop or in a word doc on your laptop. This will take all period and maybe beyond to homework.
Get your wax museum personage approved by Mr. Langston ASAP. The absolute deadline is this coming Friday.
8th ELA--1/6/2023
8th ELA--1/6/2023--study for and root test on man/manu on Friday, 1/6/2023. Let Mr. Langston know what your wax figure is as soon as possible so he can approve it.
Partners for WW unit need to decide what story or book to use for the WW unit.
8th ELA--1/5/2023
8th ELA--1/5/2023--complete root worksheet about finding extra words using the same root. After finding words online, check a physical dictionary for the derivation of the word. That will usually be at the end of the definitions. Be ready for test on the "man, manu" words on Friday. Same format as the last one.
8th ELA--1/4/2023
8th ELA--1/4/2023--read through the short story options for the dystopian writing unit. If you and your partner are considering a dystopian novel, then check and be certain that the novel is one you have both read and is really a dystopian novel. This will mean doing some internet checking to see if it is dystopian.
"Man" Latin/Greek root is coming on Wednesday and so is copy of the wax museum research paper information.
8th ELA--12/14/2022
8th ELA--12/14/2022--first test/quiz on Latin and Greek roots. This is fill in the blank/fill in the circle format. Study the ped/pod root page to prepare.
8th ELA--12/13/2022
8th ELA--12/13/2022--complete the ped/pod worksheet on finding 5 more words that have either ped or pod as their root. You may NOT use the words that are on the list from Friday's class. Double check the dictionary if you are unsure if the word has ped or pod as the root. Also, remember to put the part of speech--noun, verb, adjective, adverb. You may use an on-line dictionary for this work.
8th ELA--12/7/2022
8th ELA--12/7/2022--get rest for the Christmas Store and be ready to go on Thursday, 12/8/2022 and the concert on Friday, 12/9/2022.
8th ELA--12/6/2022
8th ELA--12/6/2022--complete the worksheet begun in class as homework. This is due tomorrow, Tuesday, 12/6/2022.
8th ELA--12/2/2022
8th ELA--12/2/2022--vocab test 4A is tomorrow, Friday. This is on words 1-10. Study and practice writing sentences for proper use of the word--without using the internet.
8th ELA--11/30/2022
8th ELA--11/30/2022--finish the work assigned in class today and turn in on Thursday. Stay warm and dry.
8th ELA--11/29/2022
8th ELA--11/29/2022--Tuesday, 11/29/2022, I need to be away for your class. Please go to Mr. Andre's room for ELA; there will be some work for you to do about participles. Also study vocab 4A for the test on Friday. Really work at how the words are being used in your sentences.
Study vocab 4A for Friday test.
8th ELA--11/18/2022
8th ELA--11/18/2022: Vocab test on Friday, 11/18/2022. Study Unit 3B, #11-20.
Get a clean, unmarked copy of your high school letter for the Catholic high school you plan to attend to Mr. Langston as soon as you can.
8th ELA--11/17/2022
8th ELA--11/17/2022--come prepared for celebration of Writer's Workshop and your position paper on violence in video games.
Study vocab words, 3B, #11-20, for test on Friday, 11/18/2022. Be careful to use the words correctly for their part of speech.
8th ELA--11/16/2022
8th ELA--11/16/2022: PRACTICE YOUR SPEECHES FOR THURSDAY! Practice your vocab words and sentences for Friday's vocab test on 3B, #11-20.
Be prepared for an ELA about participles and participial phrases tomorrow--ELA notebooks!
8th ELA--11/15/2022
8th ELA--11/15/2022--final copy of typed position speech/paper is due on Tuesday, 11/15/2022, tomorrow. Be ready to turn it in along with a completed self-assessment. Be prepared to finalize Wednesday's plans for presenting and celebration.
Vocab test on Friday, 11/18/2022. Study Unit 3B, #11-20 for the test. Practice your sentences and be certain the word is being correctly used in the sentence.
8th ELA--11/10/2022
8th ELA--11/10/2022--be certain to work to complete the position paper over the weekend. Use the argument writing structure from last year's unit--intro with claim and three points; body with the information learned from sites and articles to support points and refute counter argument points; conclusion to briefly summarize the claims.
Next vocab test on 3B, #11-20, is on Friday, 11/18/2022. Practice working with your sentences.
8th ELA--11/9/2022
8th ELA--11/9/2022--continue to write/work on your position paper about violence in video games and its impacts of gamers. Final copy with sources is due on Tuesday, 11/14/2022. Celebration will be on Wednesday, 11/15/2022.
Next vocab test on Friday, 11/18/2022, on Unit 3B, #11-20. Be certain to study and practice using the words correctly in sentences.
8th ELA--11/8/2022
8th ELA--11/8/2022--final copy of position paper on pro/con of violence in video games is due on Tuesday, 11/15/2022.
Next vocab test will be on Friday, 11/18/2022, on unit 3B, #11-20.
8th ELA--11/7/2022
8th ELA--11/7/2022--continue to work on your position paper for the argument unit of Writer's Workshop. NO vocab test until 11/18/2022 on unit 3B.
8th ELA--11/2/2022
8th ELA--11/2/2022--Spend time tonight writing/working on the position paper about violent video games and impacts on those who play them. Set a goal--e.g. write two pages tonight.
Please let me know tomorrow if you need a new copy of any of the materials from previous lessons.
8th ELA--11/1/2022
8th ELA--11/1/2022--be sure to have your writing on the prompt about violent video games ready for class tomorrow, Tuesday, 11/1/2022. We will resume Writer's Workshop with a lesson tomorrow. We have about four lessons to complete to finish the unit.
8th ELA--10/25/2022
8th ELA--10/25/2022--work on your letters tonight. The final deadline for the letter for ELA is Friday, 10/28/2022.
Study vocab for Friday, 10/28/2022, test on unit 3A, #1-10.
8th ELA--10/21/2022
8th ELA--10/21/2022--Vocab test on Friday. After the test if there is enough time, we will discuss as a class the due date for your letters.
8th ELA--10/20/2022
8th ELA--10/20/2022--be certain to study for your vocab test on Friday, 10/21/2022. Practice your sentences as well.
Continue to work on your high school letter. The goal is Friday, but this is going to change. We will discuss it in class on Thursday.
8th ELA--10/13/2022
8th ELA--10/13/2022--drafts of high school admission letters are due today, Wednesday, 10/12/2022. They will be accepted without late penalty until class on Thursday, 10/13/2022.
Next vocab test, 2B, #11-20, will be on Friday, 10/21/2022.
8th ELA--10/11/2022
8th ELA--10/11/2022--tomorrow, Tuesday, 10/11/2022, you are working on your draft of the high school letter. Whatever you have completed as of tomorrow afternoon, will be turned into the purple box on the left in front of my desk at the end of the period. You may also send it via email, but please do not overwhelm my box. Please be good for Mr. Andre.
8th ELA--10/7/2022
8th ELA--10/7/2022--vocab test on unit 2, 1-10. Please study!
8th ELA--10/5/2022
8th ELA--10/5/2022--research and find the mission statement for the school or district you think you will attend for high school. In the public schools, you are more likely to find this on the school district page, but you will need to really search. Sometimes for public schools, you can find something on the school page with a link to the district page. Begin drafting your letter. It will not be finished yet!
Practice vocab words for the Friday, 10/7/2022, vocab test.
8th ELA--10/4/2022
8th ELA--10/4/2022--for tonight, go to the websites of schools (public or private) that you are thinking of attending next year. Find their mission or purpose statement. Have that with you for tomorrow. Also for tomorrow, find or deduce from the mission/purpose statement that you found, the qualities that the schools are looking to find in their students. Be certain to have completed steps one and two from class today: step 1--10 interests, activities, accomplishments; step 2--list of personal qualities needed to excel in the items mentioned in step 1.
Vocab test Friday, 10/7/2022--unit 2, #1-10.
8th ELA--9/23/2022
8th ELA--9/23/2022--finish flash draft of video games position paper.
Vocab test Friday, 9/23/2022. Study and be prepared to write sentences.
8th ELA--9/30/2022
8th ELA--9/30/2022--study for the vocab test on Friday,9/30/2022. Come up with your sentences, too.
8th ELA--9/28/2022
8th ELA--9/28/2022--keep working on the essay. I am working to get feedback to all of you from whom I have received a first draft essay.
Study vocab for Friday's test on #11-20.
8th ELA--9/27/2022
8th ELA--9/27/2022--TURN IN DRAFT THAT WAS DUE TODAY, MONDAY, 9/26/2022. If Teams is not cooperating, send it to me via email.
Study for vocab test on Friday, 9/30/2022--#11-20.
8th ELA--9/22/2022
8th ELA--9/22/2022--come prepared to write a flash-draft of your argument essay on video games and kids. Choose which position you desire--violent video games are okay for kids or they are not okay. Bring your charged laptop, any research info you have found, and focus/concentration to do this work. The goal is to finish in class. This is likely to be homework.
Vocab test on Friday, 9/23/2022.
8th ELA--9/20/2022
8th ELA--9/20/2022--complete the work begun in today's class. This is to write a position paper on a topic of your choice. This needs to be something that you think is important and that you care about. The paper needs to have an introduction, the claim or opinion, reasons and evidence to support your claim, organization, acknowledgement of the counterclaim, transition phrases, and a conclusion. This is turned in tomorrow, Tuesday, 9/20/2022, at the beginning of class. Writer's Workshop lessons will begin Tuesday, 9/20/2022, tomorrow.